Reviews from Pastors & Missions

Rev. Bruce W. Gimbel, BA, M Div. Chaplain, Hernando County sheriff’s Dept. Pastor Jericho Road Ministries, Florida

I loved your book.  It opened my eyes too!  I just sent an order in through your website for more copies.

We have used this book in our New Life Recovery Program here at Jericho Road Ministries.  The clients we work with have found it to be a refreshing and powerful tool for them in dealing with forgiveness for themselves and others.  I would highly recommend this book for small or large group settings, and individually too.  We will be reordering in the coming months.

Coleman Harbor, Counselor, New Life Recovery Instructor, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Bridgeport CT

Tremendous insight and powerful spiritual revelation in this book. I see the eyes of clients light up with its simple solutions for healing damaged souls.

C. Dwayne Baird, D. Min. & CEO, Haven of Rest Rescue Mission, Bristol TN

Forgive Instantly & Live Free is compassionately written, clearly communicated, and remains focused on the issues throughout the book.  Thirteen short chapters, in one hundred seventy pages that will positively impact anyone who is seriously looking for forgiveness and a new/renewed relationship with Jesus Christ.

D. Scott Bjork, President & CEO, Memphis Union Mission, Memphis TN

Thank you for sending the four copies of your book Forgive Instantly.  Reading it made me aware that it will not only be a great tool for our clients but with me as well.  I am asking the Lord to help me become a man who forgives instantly! You are right on target that if we want to be disciples of Jesus Christ, we have no alternative but to forgive others.  Thank you for making this crystal clear in the book!  Our Staff will be the first to implement these principles in our own lives.  We can’t teach what we are not willing to do ourselves.  Thank you for taking God’s word and providing the unapologetic application in your book.

Gregory Kirk BA TH MA, Clinical Counselor MA CS, United Gospel Rescue Mission, Poplar Bluff MO 

I read one of the books you sent and knew you were right on the mark.  I gave the other three copies to my trusted intern clients who had completed the 12-step program and ask them to review the book and get back with me.  They came back in a day recommending the mission use the book with all clients and have a supply on hand.  One of the three, as a result of your book, had forgiven his father and called him to talk.  He had not spoken to his father in forty years.  That is the type of miracles the message in your book has the power to produce.

Kevin R Neely, Programs Manager, Day Center Director, Union Gospel Mission of Missoula

Hi Terry, I’ve read your book and will make it available to our guests.  I appreciate your willingness to share what you’ve learned with those who need it most. Blessings to you.  I am ordering another shipment from your website.

Rev. Terry Wilcox, President, NE Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, Executive Director, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, and Linda Casey, Director of Programs, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Bridgeport CT

We both have read Forgive Instantly & Live Free and believe it is an important piece of curriculum as we restructure our New Life Program.  We just ordered 35 books to start our program course.  We are rebuilding our New Life Program with the goal of building the best faith-based recovery program in the state of Connecticut.  We see this book and the concept of Forgiveness as an integral part of our curriculum for our Level I students … it is a good companion to our other foundational curriculum which is the Genesis Process.

Jeff Gilfillan, Director of Development, Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

We purchased Forgive Instantly & Live Free from to be used with our programs.   Both our Men’s and Women’s Addiction programs are finding the book very helpful.

David Lewis – The Basic Idea Ministries, Inc. 

The book Forgive Instantly & Live Free is truly profound because it helps grab hold of the power of forgiveness in Jesus Christ.  I needed to know the depths of this truth and be reminded of His ownership …. well, that happened reading your book and the verses to which it took me.  Thank you so much for writing it.

Staff, Northpoint Community Church, Alpharetta, Georgia

I picked up a copy of your excellent book at the church office.  The book is very well written and has a powerful message.  I do hope the book distributors will pick it up and suggest it to all the bookstores within their area.

Pastor Zach Zajicek, Norwood Heights Baptist Church, Palestine, Texas

Hello Terry!  May the Lord richly bless you. Thank you for your gracious giving and your ministry in Word to us last week. A wave of revival has come through your message of forgiveness and people are forgiving one another!    Praise the LORD!    Anytime you are in our area again, please do stop by, even if its last-minute. God’s people here need to hear what you have to say.   Blessings on you brother!

Tennessee Pastor posted by email

This book alone will start a revival in our church.  Why has it taken me this many years to find a book that makes forgiving understandable and easy to do.   Thank you for your clarity and simplicity.  The overview you give in the book makes the whole Bible come together as a complete road map.  Now it is easy to see why mankind has run so far in the wrong direction and what simple steps it takes to restore us back to His path leading to the “abundant life”.

Cherise Merrick, CEO, Bread of Life Mission, Holbrook, AZ

Tracy, our resident cook, was the first at our mission to read your book and “LOVED” it.

Letter from a marriage counselor

I started using the principles listed in your book on the second phase of forgiving.  My clients are thriving and seeing real progress in their relationships. I recommend your book to all of my clients and anyone struggling in their marriage. It makes forgiving so clear and simple.

Reviews of Readers

Cherise Merrick, Bread of Life Mission, Holbrook AZ

Tracy, our resident cook, was the first to read your book here at the mission and “LOVED” it.

William D (Bill) Bryant, Norcross Georgia

I am reading your book.  It is GREAT.  It is the book I wish I had written.

Tommy Lyons, Lyons Real Estate Team, Canton Georgia

Hey Terry, I want to let you know I am really enjoying the book. It’s great great reading. I am on page 60.  I am going to want to get more copies for some of the guys and to pass on to other people …It really hits home for me. That’s me, I hate to admit it, that’s a lot of me and probably a lot of other people.  Nice Job, I can’t wait to finish it up.

Shirlee Jessop, Apache Junction, Arizona

This enlightening book was written by a dear classmate of our Vinton class of “65”. Terry Stueck was a hard-working farm boy from Iowa that struggled with some adverse situations. He is sharing with us, the key to successfully ‘forgive’ and move on and leave any bitterness behind us. I have appreciated his advice and enlightenment and applied it to my own life with a remarkable feeling of freedom. Upset & Forgiveness is an ongoing fact of life and having Terry’ s book to guide me through many different situations has been truly a God send.
You would be doing yourself and your life a great service to be able to follow Terry’ s road to Forgiveness.

North Carolina Reader

The book is really, really good. I just finished chapter 14. Good job!

Missouri Reader

WOW!!!!! What an amazing book! Who knows how many lives your book will change? GOD does perform miracles!

Atlanta reader

I read a lot, but I don’t expect a great deal from any particular book.  I had no idea this book would change my life and head me in a whole new direction.

Georgia Reader

Hi Terry, you will be proud to know that I use information you taught us in Divorce Recovery, especially the part about forgiveness being the key.  I’ve had two relationships that wouldn’t forgive!  Your voice popped in my head each time.  I can’t wait to read what you have added over the years to the great foundation you gave us.

Georgia reader

Just finished your book – it’s awesome!

Georgia reader

We were so blessed being with you all at the book signing yesterday evening. I was going to read a few chapters today because I had a lot to get done on the “to do” list and ended up on page 77 before I tore myself away. Well, done!  The heartfelt mission to get this principle/truth out to those who so desperately need it touches our hearts. You will not ever know the lives you touch with this book.

Email post from a Georgia reader

I started reading your book last night and could not put it down! A very good book. I will be ordering several as it certainly communicates the truth about the effects of un-forgiveness. Very well done (I am 1/2 way through it) and look forward to finishing it tonight. God certainly had a purpose in your writing this book.

Note enclosed in an order for additional copies of books

Great stuff Terry, God put you in my life, no doubt in my mind, at an opportune time.

Facebook Post

 It is a fantastic book. I am proud of you. My brother is reading it too and it is helping him. Thank you for writing it.
Iowa reader posted on order page

This is the best book I have ever read.  Send me four more copies.

Texas reader posted on order page

I have read the book twice and am on my way to forgiving.  Please fix the purchase button on the website so I can change the quantity.  I want to order 10 copies.

Iowa reader

I read the book and now have to go back and detail study the places I underlined.  But I was able to forgive the “biggie”, and I feel “FREE”.   I will be reading the book to my husband in the car as we travel on vacation.

Sunday Morning Service response

We heard your sermon in church three weeks ago.  Your message really touched us and has made us really try to forgive instantly. Your book fills in the details we needed to accomplish instant forgiveness.  Thank you for bringing this truth to our church.  What a great challenge to our Christian life in taking this giant step forward in our relationship with Jesus.

National Publisher Review

I think you have a really powerful lesson to teach, and I believe you pulled it off. The personal stories you have added provide the examples needed to bring life to your message. My only complaint is that there are not more stories. I would really like to see either more personal stories or additional stories where others have learned and owned the lesson of forgiving everyone for everything – instantly. I really believe it is applying the concepts in personal stories that take the lesson out of the pulpit into a personal dialogue between you and the reader.

Kansas Physician

Hello. Thank you for the book. I found it to be quite enlightening. There were passages in there that were a reflection of my personal life. There were also passages that were a reflection of those dear to me. This has given me a new perspective on life. Congratulations on a job well done. Thank you very much.